Policy work is a long road, which requires a sustained effort. It is often about small, incremental changes and successes. When it all comes together, the positive impact is well worth the effort.
Through the POWER UP! project, we’ve developed a resource-base of policy tools and resources to help make healthy public policy change easier in your community.
Check out the tools and resources below, or explore by topic:
- All
- Active Travel
- Alcohol-Related Harm
- Childcare
- Economic Incentives
- Healthy Eating
- Healthy Food in Recreational Facilities
- Healthy Food Procurement
- Healthy School Food
- Healthy Sporting Events
- Household Food Insecurity
- Local Capacity for Policy Change
- Marketing to Kids
- Municipal Food and Beverage Policy
- Municipal Zoning and Community Design
- Nutrition Labelling
- Nutrition Report Card on the Food Environment for Children and Youth
- School Physical Activity
- Taxation of Sugar Sweetened Beverages
- Workplace Physical Activity